Monday, May 30, 2011

Friends, Photos, Videos, Weddings and More on This Week’s Top 20 Emerging Facebook Apps by MAU

There were a couple of interesting applications on our list of the top 20 emerging Facebook apps by monthly active users this week that distinguished themselves from the usual round of Turkish video apps, friend mashups and Page tab tools. Pieces of Flair allows users to create personalized buttons to share to the stream and the Italin L’abito dei tuoi sogni is a branded application that allows women to create the wedding dress of their dreams.
The apps on our list grew from between 126,300 and 517,600 MAU. Our list is compiled using AppData, our data tracking service covering traffic growth for apps on Facebook, and covers those that gained the most users in the past seven days.
Top Gainers This Week

Name MAU Gain Gain,%
1. Genç Video 938,243 +517,553 +123%
2. Pieces of Flair 949,231 +340,069 +56%
3. Video Forever 409,116 +327,659 +402%
4. Super Mario Bros 795,112 +290,721 +58%
5. Friend Matrix 267,431 +252,560 +1,698%
6. Görüntülü Sohbet 321,524 +244,326 +316%
7. Hero City 612,493 +229,910 +60%
8. Akıllı Tv Video 556,259 +227,783 +69%
9. Static IFrame Tab 267,376 +182,020 +213%
10. Super Texas Holdem Poker 926,722 +174,017 +23%
11. Deep Realms 537,702 +168,626 +46%
12. AddictingGames 635,822 +166,268 +35%
13. Army Attack 161,175 +161,151 +671,462%
14. Quel age te donne ta photo de profil ? 638,722 +158,699 +33%
15. Quiz Creator 498,737 +151,098 +43%
16. Friends Who Always Be There For Me 730,368 +142,471 +24%
17. Comic Mashup 309,743 +141,782 +84%
18. Sohbeti Arkadaşlık 663,426 +140,228 +27%
19. L’abito dei tuoi sogni 309,292 +128,940 +71%
20. Your World Rank 598,046 +126,320 +27%
Turkish video apps were on our list of emerging apps, of course, but lately there has been a big shift from what we’ve seen before with these apps. Specifically, a couple of the apps on our list this week are sexually explicit, publishing vulgar videos to your stream and inviting users to participate in what appears to be a “dating” service.  Görüntülü Sohbet grew by 321,500 MAU and  Sohbeti Arkadaşlık grew by 140,200 MAU and each publishes a sexual video to a user’s feed when using it. Görüntülü Sohbet seems to be some sort of Connect app and takes the user to an external website.
Other Turkish video apps included Genç Video with 517,600 MAU, Video Forever with 327,700 MAU and Akıllı Tv Video with 227,800 MAU allow users to view, share, Like and comment on videos.
There were a few interesting Page administrator apps. Static iFrame Tab with 182,00 MAU allows users to create tabs with HTML, FBML, JavaScript, CSS, Flash and other technology for their Pages. Quiz Creator with 151,100 MAU allows everyone, users or Page admins, to create customized quizzes, drawing up the questions, answers, quiz language and photos, as well as publishing many stories to the feed upon completion.

A few apps analyzed a user’s friends. Friend Matrix added 252,600 MAU, seems to be a Connect app and creates a collage of your friends. Then Friends Who Always Be There For Me with 142,500 MAU publishes a photo with a user’s most interacted friends, tagging each of them when published to the stream.
Photos made up a part of different apps on the list, too.  Quel age te donne ta photo de profil ? with 158,700 MAU allows users to see “how old” their profile photo makes them look; a feed story is published upon use. Comic Mashup with 141,800 MAU applies different effects to your profile photo and publishes a feed story. Then, Your World Rank, with 126,300 MAU grew mostly with young people in India and complies your profile “statistics,” publishing a feed story with an open-ended question prompt.
Finally, the last two apps mentioned at the beginning of the story. Pieces of Flair grew by 340,100 MAU and allows users to customize buttons and virtual gifts for their own profiles or their friends. The Italian L’abito dei tuoi sogni grew by 129,000 MAU and allows users to create the wedding dress of the dream. The branded app, from Atelier Pantheon, then publishes the results of your dream dress to your profile.

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